One of the most frustrating things that personal injury trial lawyers hear from their clients is “But I have full coverage!” Full coverage does not mean that you or your family are protected from the ramifications of being injured by the negligence of another. All full coverage means is that you have “Collision” and most… Read More
Attention Moms and Dads: Check your Graco car seats immediately! Over 25,000 of the Graco My Ride 65 seats have been recalled, for failing to meet federal motor vehicle safety standards. The model numbers for the car seats include: 1871689, 1908152, 1813074, 1872691, 1853478, 1877535, 1813015 and 1794334. Please check your seats and contact Graco directly… Read More
Are You a Runner? When Do You Have the Right-of-Way in Ohio? Laws and Safety Tips for Ohio’s Road Runners:
For those of you who love that runner’s high, we have some laws and safety tips which you may find interesting! 1. If you can, USE THE SIDEWALK: Runners are considered pedestrians in Ohio. Ohio Law states that where a sidewalk is provided and “its use is practicable” it is unlawful to run in the… Read More
Facebook’s Photo tagging Causing Several Lawsuits Around the U.S.
SAN FRANCISCO — A San Francisco federal judge rejected Facebook’s request to toss a lawsuit alleging its photo-tagging feature that uses facial recognition technology invades users’ privacy. U.S. District Judge James Donato allowed the case to move forward against Facebook under an Illinois law that bans collecting and storing biometric data without explicit consent. “The… Read More
Social Media, and Personal Injury Claims:
The great majority of people out there use social media in some fashion. One thing we have seen here at Obral, Silk & Pal, LLC is that ALL automobile insurance companies are using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other Social Media sites to snoop on personal injury litigants. Personal injury litigants and potential litigants should be… Read More
Top 7 Things to Remember when you’re in an accident:
Many people have asked us, what should I do when I’m involved in an automobile collison. Here’s a quick checklist from your friends at Obral, Silk & Pal, LLC: 1. Call the police to make an accident report. —Documentation is required by many insurance policies! 2. Take photographs and/or video with your phone if it… Read More
Do you have adequate coverage?
Friends, Does your automobile insurance really provide adequate coverage? We have been seeing many of our clients here in Cleveland and throughout Northeast Ohio who THOUGHT that they had top-notch insurance coverage, when in reality, they only had bare-bones, inadequate coverage. Just because someone selling you insurance tells you that you have “Full Coverage” does… Read More
Welcome to the new Obral, Silk & Pal, LLC
What a year for Obral, Silk & Pal, LLC! After being headquartered in Cleveland’s Standard Building for over a decade, we have relocated to beautiful 55 Public Square, Suite #1700 in the heart of Cleveland’s brand new Public Square! We look forward to serving our clients from our new location with the same passion and… Read More